BBC Shipping Forecast times to be phased back to normal

All broadcasts apart from the one currently being put out at 0533 will revert to previous times and previously dropped broadcasts reinstated.
From Monday 6 July, the Shipping Forecast will be broadcast at 0048 on FM and LW, 0533 on FM and LW, midday on LW, and 1754 on LW, also broadcast on FM at weekends.
From Monday 13 July the Shipping Forecast will return entirely to the normal broadcast schedule, and will be broadcast at 0048 on FM and LW, 0520 on FM and LW, midday on LW and 1754 on LW, also broadcast on FM at weekends.
On behalf of the MCA, the Met Office will continue to produce Shipping Forecast and Inshore Waters Forecast four times a day and Her Majesty’s Coastguard will be broadcasting as normal via NAVTEX and MF/VHF marine radio.
Strong wind and gale warnings will continue to be available as and when needed.
For the latest information please visit: