Whale beached on Hunstanton Beach
HM Coastguard are advising the public to stay away from a
large Bull Sperm whale that beached itself and later died on Hunstanton Beach
yesterday evening (22 January).
At around 3.30pm yesterday afternoon, the whale was spotted
in a pod of up to six whales swimming close to the beach. Despite efforts
from British Divers Marine Life Rescue and Beach Wardens from the Sea Life
Centre to refloat the whale out to sea it later died at around 11pm. The whale is estimated to be 40-45ft long and weighs approximately 30 tonnes.
Hunstanton Coastguard Rescue Team, Norfolk Police and
Hunstanton RNLI Hovercraft were on scene to assist and make sure the public did
not cause the whale further distress during the rescue attempt.
The remaining pod were last seen heading towards King's Lynn.
UK Coastguard Richard Johnson said: 'It was obviously a very distressing scene earlier and we would ask the public to stay away from the beach. We are due to cordon off the area and later today an officer from the Zoological Society of London will be inspecting the animal and carrying out tests.'
UK Coastguard Richard Johnson said: 'It was obviously a very distressing scene earlier and we would ask the public to stay away from the beach. We are due to cordon off the area and later today an officer from the Zoological Society of London will be inspecting the animal and carrying out tests.'